Just for fun


Three quick icebreakers to use at the beginning of a workshop, in a small group setting or with friends:



Number 1 - 5 items to take to a desert island and why

You’re shipwrecked with no hope of rescue for one month. Assuming you have drinking water and there is food that can be harvested on the island (i.e. fish, fruit) – what five items do you bring and why.   A classic quick-fire game that provokes interesting and insightful discussion over choices.  


Number 2 - 3 countries you could live in for five years

Not including the country you currently reside in. More difficult than it looks, as most people will only have a very short list. Again gets people thinking about what’s important to them and how they want to live.    


Number 3 - 3 celebrity dinner guests

What three people do you invite to your dinner party and why. Consider the dynamics at the dinner party and the likely conversation topics. Good for creative thinking and offering people a chance to be mischievous, Machiavellian or matchmakers.